Enoport United Wines

Enoport United Wines

Caves Velhas is one of the largest and oldest wine producers and bottlers of the demarcated region of Bucelas, headquartered in Bucelas village, and have always been linked to the excellence of wine production and the own history of these caves. At the charismatic buildings "Caves Velhas", situated in the inner village, you will find a typical wine cellar, a special tasting room and Enoteca, abundant in aromas and flavors. With personalized service, and providing to all visitors, diverse offerings in cultural and tourist area, the Enoteca, is already a reference at Bucelas and a commercial space that is different from the others.

Main wines:

  • Bucellas Caves Velhas white DOC;
  • Quinta do Boição white DOC: Quinta do Boição sparkling brut DOC;
  • Quinta Boição sparkling extra brut DOC: Sparkling Bucellas Caves Velhas brut and Sparkling Bucellas Caves Velhas medium dry;
  • Quinta do Boição liqueur;
  • Quinta do Boição red special seletion old vineyard;
  • Quinta do Boição red reserve.




Enoport United Wines

Rua Prof. Egas Moniz

2670-653 BUCELAS

GPS: 38º 54’ 04’’ N, 9º 07’ 13’’ W

T: 219 687 330

E: enoteca.env@enoport.pt

Dra. Maria José Viana

T: 219 687 330 / 219 681 451
E: mjviana@enoport.pt

Adelaide Cruz

M: 937 550 101
E: adelaide.cruz@enoport.pt

W: www.enoport.pt

W: pt-pt.facebook.com/EnopointBucelasPenafiel





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